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Removing Your Original Strap

(For the First and Last Time, Ever!)

Say goodbye to tiresome strap changes. Forever.
We're here to help your revolution to ClickStraps!

The Painless Way

Go to your local watchmaker store

This is the easiest, most painless way to remove your original strap from your watch. Your timepiece should be handled by professionals who know exactly what they're doing. The risks are low, and the process should take no more than 60 seconds! The best part? Most of these stores do not charge any fee for this service (some do however charge a tiny fee).

The Usual Way (until ClickStraps)

Doing it yourself with a spring bar tool

This will take careful attention because you are dealing with very tiny parts. Be careful and delicate because spring bars are spring loaded, and can easily fly off. The spring bar tool also has sharp corners, so be extremely careful not to hurt yourself or scratch your watch. Can you imagine that this has been the usual, traditional way to change straps for decades?

But we're here to help, and with our guide, we're sure you can do it yourself no problem! Besides, using ClickStraps means that you'll never to go through this ordeal ever again.

1.  Place the watch face-down onto a soft cloth so that the straps run from left to right. This will make it easier to hold on to the watch without damaging it.
2. Use a spring bar tool and gently insert it into the gap formed between the side of your strap and the horns of the watch case. Work gently, leaning the tool onto the strap and not onto the horns to prevent scratches.
3. Once the spring bar tools rests firmly against the spring bar, keep it in position and apply pressure away from the horns towards the strap; it may take a few attempts but eventually it will disengage the spring bar and the strap can be removed from the watch case. Repeat the same on the other strap tab.
4. Replace the spring bars and install the new ones supplied with your Belgarde ClickStraps.
5. To do so, insert one end of a new spring bar into the pin hole in the horn of the watch case that is closer to you. This prevents you from getting hurt should you lose grip and the spring bar fly off, away from you.
6. Using the spring bar tool, compress the spring loaded tip of the yet free end and gently nudge it into the pin hole of the opposing horn of the watch case. Repeat steps 4 to 6 on the other side of the watch case.
7. You are now ready to install the Belgarde ClickStraps and from now on you will never again have to worry about the spring bars.

We're in the process of making instructional videos and images to help you along. In the meantime, this is a very helpful page that you could refer to as well (just steps 1 to 3).

Attaching & Removing ClickStraps

(It's as Easy as ABC!)

Change your ClickStraps to a new colour and style easily in a few seconds.

Attaching ClickStrap

Attaching ClickStrap

Removing ClickStrap

Removing ClickStrap


ClickStraps Compatibility

(Measuring your Watch Strap's Width)

The width of the required watch strap is determined by the distance between the horns of your timepiece. It is measured in the metric system expressed in millimeters (mm). Typical sizes are 18, 20 and 22 mm (or approximately  7/10th, 8/10th and 9/10th of an inch).

Belgarde ClickStraps work with any watch that uses standard spring bars to attach a (watch) strap. Our current product range comes in 20 and 22mm widths, with 18 mm strap being added shortly. Please visit us often as we add more styles, widths and materials to match the wide range of watches out there.


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